среда, 28 сентября 2016 г.

Used to + V

Videos "Used to"

Exercises "Used to"

Exercise 1 (Used to + V)
Exercise 2 (Used to + V, Past Continuous, Past Simple)

Project "People Used to Live Differently"

Примерные вопросы для сбора информации.
Внимание! Вам не обязательно искать ответы на все вопросы. Выберите то, о чем ваши бабушки/дедушки хотят рассказать.

  1. Did your granny use to live in the city / a small village/ in a different flat?
  2. What kind of TV/radio did she/he use to watch?
  3. Where did she/he use to work?
  4. What games did she/he use to play?
  5. What clothes did she/he use to wear?
  6. Describe the school: subjects, school things, the canteen (столовая), school uniform, …. .
  7. What did they use to eat and drink?
  8. The shops.
  9. The money.
  10. Cars and public transport, planes, trains.
  11. What cameras/ telephones did they use to use.
  12. Did your granny have a computer/a mobile phone/ … ?
  13. Cinemas. Theatres. Museums.
  14. Football championships.
  15. Houses, roads, streets.
  16. What did there use to be in the places where now there are modern houses?
  17. Nature. Forests.
  18. How did the children use to spend their free time?
  19. Skis, skates, bikes, … .

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