среда, 13 мая 2015 г.

Questions - Hometask

  1. I can read.
  2. Tim has got a toy car.
  3. Sally cooked breakfast yesterday.
  4. Mary is a good girl.
  5. Father reads a book every evening.
  6. I will play basketball tomorrow.
  7. There are two mice on the table.
  8. My cat is eating wiskas now.
  9. I was in the park yesterday.

среда, 6 мая 2015 г.

Summer, Autumn

In Great Britain summer begins in May. There are four summer months: May, June, July and August. The days are long and the nights are short. Summer is the warmest season of the year. The weather is usually warm, but not always. When the sun is high in the sky, it is hot. The forests are green in summer.

Begin - начинать
High - высоко
Sky - небо
Night - ночь
Always - всегда
Weather – погода

Autumn months are September and October. Autumn is usually a nice season in England. It is warm and dry, but it can rain a lot too. I think that forests are more beautiful in autumn than in winter.  The leaves in the trees are of different colours – green, yellow, orange, red and brown. The leaves fall down from the trees. Autumn is a tasty season – there are a lot of vegetables and fruit.

Dry – сухой
Different – разный
Fall – падать

Down - вниз

вторник, 5 мая 2015 г.

Months and Seasons - Games

Выбери правильное время года
(На каждой картинке есть точка с палочкой. Нужно на нее нажать, тогда появятся названия времен года. Выберите правильное время года.)

Months and Seasons - Songs


Spring comes after winter. In Great Britain there are two spring months: March and April. In spring it’s warm and the grass is green. Trees with their small green leaves look beautiful in spring. I usually enjoy the sun because it is not very hot.

hot – жаркий
after – после
enjoy – получать удовольствие
because – потому что
grass - трава

a leaf – leaves – лист - листья
the sun - солнце