
среда, 9 октября 2019 г.

Products of the Future

Products of the Future

Nowadays our life conditions are developing tremendously fast. More and more inventions of science and technology are used in our everyday life. We can expect some new unusual inventions to be introduced to us in the nearest future. I’m going to tell you about some possible achievements in the field of clothing, equipment, home computing and farming.
  1. A spray-on fabric – 2a, p.28
  2. Printed equipment
  3. A clever home
  4. A skyscraper farm.  – 2f, p.36
  5. A Product of the future I want to describe.


План рассказа о каждом объекте: 
1. What is it?  How does it work, or how is it supposed to be used?
2. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

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