
понедельник, 21 октября 2019 г.

Consumer Society

Consumer Society
In today’s world of endless consumer choices, it’s very easy to spend money without thinking. Many people enjoy bargain-hunting, but our quest to pay less may hide dangers. It’s extremely important to know how to save our hand-earned cash and how to be a responsible shopper.  I’ll tell you some words about it.
1.      The tricks of the trade – 2b p.30
2.      Why is it important to be a responsible shopper – 2h, p.39
3.      Are you a responsible shopper? Why/why not?
4.      What in your opinion is a consumer society? What are its positive and negative sides?


Some useful key words

Consumerism or consumer society
We buy more than we need.
Manufacturers make us buy more than we need.

· industrial revolution
· mass production - easy to produce
· overproduction
· advertising - send a message to buy more
· fashion - to buy what is in trend this particular year
· big shopping centres - not only places for shopping, but for different kinds of leisure activities.
· changing in advertising
· personalised adverts sent via text messages directly to the individuals
· popularity of the Internet reveals the information about individuals => online advertisers collect customer’s datas => personalised adverts increase in number
· marketers are always trying to get in touch with their audience
· special offers

среда, 9 октября 2019 г.

Products of the Future

Products of the Future

Nowadays our life conditions are developing tremendously fast. More and more inventions of science and technology are used in our everyday life. We can expect some new unusual inventions to be introduced to us in the nearest future. I’m going to tell you about some possible achievements in the field of clothing, equipment, home computing and farming.
  1. A spray-on fabric – 2a, p.28
  2. Printed equipment
  3. A clever home
  4. A skyscraper farm.  – 2f, p.36
  5. A Product of the future I want to describe.


План рассказа о каждом объекте: 
1. What is it?  How does it work, or how is it supposed to be used?
2. What are its advantages and disadvantages?

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