понедельник, 17 декабря 2018 г.

Climate Change - Plan


In this project I’ll tell you how climate change influences the life on our planet. I’ll also give you some information about the latest technological achievements to change the weather in one particular place.

1. The Greenhouse Effect
The climate on the Earth is quite warm and comfortable for people to live. It’s because of the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide surround our planet like thick blanket. The heat from the sun reaches our planet, then radiates from the land and the sea. Partly this heat goes up into the atmosphere and partly it is trapped by the greenhouse gasses. Scientists say that in the next 100 years, the average temperature will rise by about 3 degrees Celsius. It doesn’t sound like a lot, BUT it means big trouble! Ice is already melting, sea levels are rising and the climate is changing. 

2. Cities under the sea. (SB p.50)

3. Wildlife in great danger.
(your own example)

4. Wild, wild weather. (SB p.51)

5. Changing the weather. (WB p.27)
Unfortunately, people can’t change the climate on the Earth, but sometimes we can change the weather.
     - “cloud seeding”
     - “nanobots”


Watch a video on the greenhouse effect - https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=93&v=BPJJM_hCFj0

A picture to explain how the greenhouse efect works.

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