
понедельник, 12 марта 2018 г.

Project "Helping hands"

Helping hands

We live in a wonderful world. However, sometimes people can face different problems, such as …(SB p.79).   I’ll tell you about some environmental and social problems and explain how it is possible to support people in trouble.

1. Environmental problems.
Environmental problems are … (SB p.80 ex.1). I think, for our city/country the most serious are … because …. .
To give you an example of environmental disasters I’ll tell some words about an earthquake on Haiti and how people were helped there.   (SB p.81)

2. Social problems.
Social problems are … . I think, for our city/district the most important are … because …. . (SB p.82 ex.1).
I’d like to present you a story of Greg Martenson who has done a lot to help people in need. (SB p.82).

3. My idea for a charity event.
Придумать мероприятие в нашей школе, чтобы собрать деньги на благотворительность (по модели SB p.84)
·         It’s name.
·         How often will it take place?
·         Who will take part in it?
·         What will they do?
·         Who will be the invited guests?
·         How to raise money for charity?
·         How to use the money raised? (What kind of charity fund do you want to send it? What social/environmental problem to solve?)


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