
понедельник, 12 февраля 2018 г.

Материалы к проекту "Tourist Attractions of the World"

The Earth is full of wonders. There are so many places to visit and explore. I will tell you about some of them: Yellowstone National Park in the USA, and the city of Sydney in Australia.

1. Yellowstone National Park
  • In what part of the USA is it situated? In what states?
  • The information from the text SB p.66
2. Sydney and Australia
A. Geographical description of Australia (написать самостоятельно на основе географической карты).
  • What kind of continent is it? Where is it situated?
  • What oceans and seas is it washed by in the West, East, North and South?
  • The biggest river. Where is it?
  • The biggest mountain ridge. Where is it?
  • The highest mountains.
  • The deserts.
  • What is the capital of Australia?

B. Sydney (SB p.70)


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