
вторник, 12 сентября 2017 г.

Project 1: Inviting a friend to Saint Petersburg

Inviting a friend to Saint Petersburg


Dear friend,
I’ll be glad to see you here, in Saint Petersburg, and I would like to give you some information about the place where I live.

1. Places to see on the way
First of all, on the way to my place you can stop at some interesting places. Look at the map. [показать карту, на которой обозначены 2-3 места остановок; назвать эти места]. Stop number 1: [описание места1, как в д/з к уроку 1с].

2. How to get to my house
Another thing, I want to be sure you’ll not lose your way while walking to my house. I live near … underground station / … bus stop. [Описание пути по модели SB p.9 ex.4b, WB p.4 ex.3. Показать на карте.]

3. Describing the place where I live
[Кратко описать свое жилье по модели SB p.18 ex.1b, WB p.9 ex.2, SB p.16 ex.2].
You know, I have some chores to do at home, like I … [перечислить домашние обязанности из урока 1g]. I hope you don’t mind helping me with some of them.

4. Places to go out
Finally, I can offer you some exciting places to go out. [Описать одно из ваших любимых мест по модели SB p.10]. Would you like to visit it?



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