
вторник, 6 октября 2015 г.

Tag Questions - Hometask

Напишите вопросы с хвостиком

Будьте внимательны, если в предложении есть отрицательное слово: no, never.

  1. There is no pen in my pencil case.
  2. Tim and Tom can swim very well.
  3. Polly never drinks milk.
  4. Mary doesn’t play football.
  5. Kira went for a walk.
  6. Tim is playing snowballs.
  7. We go to school on Monday.
  8. Ann and Mary will play football.
  9. There were many football players on the playground.
  10. Dzuba and Ronaldo play football very well.
  11. There are no books on the table.
  12. Tom won’t play pioneerball.
  13. Artem’s cat ate wiskas yesterday. 
  14. All people must clean teeth.

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