
четверг, 8 октября 2015 г.

Начальные школы в Англии

  Primary Schools in England

          My name is ... . I want to tell you about primary schools in England.
          In Great Britain school begins at the age of four or five. Many boys and girls usually leave school at the age of sixteen. Primary school has two levels: infant schools and junior schools. (level - уровень).
        Infant schools or infant classes begin at the age of four or five. Children spend there three years till they are seven. Their classes are not always formal. They often sit on the carpet and listen to their teacher. They sing songs, draw pictures and play games. Infant pupils begin to learn how to read, count and write. They learn how to get on with other children, too.
      Junior schools begin at the age of seven. Children spend there four years till they are eleven. Junior schools are real schools. The school subjects are English, Maths, History, Nature study, Swimming, Music, and Art.
        In England the school year begins in September, but not always on the first day of the month. Children have classes five days a week.  They do not study on Saturday and Sunday. Classes usually begin at nine and finish at about four o'clock.
        Schools in England have names, not numbers. In most schools pupils wear uniform.
        Children love their school.

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