понедельник, 30 марта 2020 г.

Distance Learning

Мой адрес - julapt@mail.ru

Презентации с заданиями и пояснениями:

6.04-7.04   -       Lesson 1
8.04 -                 Lesson 2
9.04 - тест по модулю 5.
10.04-15.04 -       Lesson 3 (6a)
16.04-20.04 -    Lesson 4 (6b)
21.04-24.04 - Lesson 5 (speaking and writing)
27.04-30.04 - Lesson 6 (6с)

6.05-8.05 - Кто все сдал, можно отдыхать.
12.05-15.05 -  Lesson 7 (6e, 6g, 6i)
18.05 - Lesson 8 - повторение по модулю 6
 19.05 - УТРОМ я иду в школу выставлять итоговые отметки.


понедельник, 16 марта 2020 г.

A Gap Year - speaking preparation

9. Module 5. What is a Gap Year?


A gap year is a year after finishing school and before going to college or University. It is also known as a sabbatical year. During this time students may engage in academic or non-academic courses, do volunteer work, travel or do some other activities like sports, arts etc (Et cetera – лат.). I’ll tell you about some advantages and disadvantages of a gap year and give some example of possible occupations during the year.

1.      Should all school learners take a gap year before starting work or university?

учим эссе 5i, p.100

2.      Examples: What to Do – 5f, p.96



  • What is a gap year?
  • Why do people want to take a gap year?
  • What is the purpose of a gap year?
  • What activities is it possible to do to help the environment? Describe some of them.
                                                     - to help a community
                                                    -  to learn new skills
                                                    - to prepare yourself for the future education/job
  • What are the popular destinations for a gap year?
  • Why do you think young people in Russia do not tend to choose a gap year?
  • If you decided to take a gap year, where would you go? What would you do? Why?
  • What are you going to do after graduating from school?
  • Have you ever done any useful activities during your holidays? Which ones? How did it help you to develop your personality? / - to help the environment? / - to help a community?
  • Speak about ADVANTAGES and DISADVANTAGES to a gap year.

вторник, 10 марта 2020 г.

School and Education - speaking preparation

  • What is your typical school day like?
  • Can you tell us about your extracurricular activities?
  • What do you typically do after school?
  • What subjects do you study? Which ones do you like most of all/ least of all? Why?
  • What do you do at different lessons at school? What activities do you think are the most efficient for learning?
  • Which subjects do you think are the most important for your future life/career? Why?
  • What do you like/dislike about your school? Why?
  • What would you offer to change in your school?
  • Does distance learning have more advantages or more disadvantages?
  • If you could choose, would you study from home or would you attend school?
  • What are you going to do when you leave school?

четверг, 27 февраля 2020 г.

Reported Speech

Ex.1 Reported Speech - Questions

Ex.2. Reported Speech - все типы предложений

Project "Distance Learning"

Distance Learning

1. Introduction
Some modern technological achievements make a significant breakthrough in education. Distance learning is getting more and more popular nowadays.  You can take an online course, watch lectures or educational videos online, or even complete an MBA (Master of Business Administration) through a Facebook application. The easiest and the most popular way of self education is to use the Web to get explanation of difficult questions, or to practice by doing interactive tasks.  

2. Giving online lessons
I’ll tell you about Salmon Khan’s experience in creating an online academy called KHAN Academy.  … (информация из текста с90, структурированная по теме и представленная в академическом стиле)

3. Getting online education
People who have some experience studying online speak a lot about its advantages and disadvantages. For example, … (можно дать примеры из аудирования с.90)

4. My own educational video. 
                     (Make a video to teach us to do something)


Аудирование с90 №2
Exercise 2b (p. 90)

четверг, 16 января 2020 г.

Mysteries of the World

Mysteries of the World

Witness’ accounts and stories
How is it used in tourist business?
Do you believe in this legend?
Why/Why not?


Loch Ness monster

A Mystery of your choice*

