
пятница, 13 декабря 2019 г.

The chart to organise the information

Name of the event
Glastonbury festival
Amazon Rainforest walk
Your event

Target audience

Activities, number of participants

How to create awareness of the project

How to encourage people to make donations

Charities it supports

Effectiveness of the project

среда, 11 декабря 2019 г.

The ways to solve some world’s problems

The ways to solve some world’s problems

Nowadays people are willing to solve the world’s problems. Different charity funds are set up. Apart from that, some other ways are used to raise awareness of essential problems of society and nature. (повысить осведомленность о существенных проблемах)
1.    How to raise money to charity ? - p.54 ex.1.  
2 . Glastonbury Festival.- 3c, p.52

  • Short information about the festival.
  • How to raise money for charity?
  • What kind of charities does it support?

3.      The expedition to the Amazon Rainforest – 3e, p.54

The other way to draw people’s attention to urgent problems of our planet is to make an expedition and start a blog campaign, like Ed Strafford’s walk through the  Amazon Rainforest. 

            4. Your example

What do you think about the need to solve the world’s problems?