
среда, 25 октября 2017 г.

Project "Healthy eating"

Healthy eating

[вступление к тексту SB p.34]

1. Food which is good for different parts of our body.
    SB p.38

План для рассказа о каждом органе:
1.      The name of the body part?
2.      What do we need it for?
3.      What food is good for this body part?

2. What products are healthy?
Now I would like to give you some advice how to choose healthy food at the shop or how to cook it.
   SB p.34 
3. My recipe
In the end, I want to introduce one of my mum’s/granny’s recipes. It is [the name of the dish].  

Свой рецепт по модели SB p36, WB p19 


понедельник, 16 октября 2017 г.

Project "Eating out"

Eating out

Можно взять вступлене к тексту p.30, а потом сказать: «First I’ll introduce you some popular places to eat in the UK, after that I’ll tell some words about my favourite cafes in Saint Petersburg»

1. Places to eat in Great Britain (SB p30)

  План рассказа о каждом кафе:
1.      What kind of café is it? What is special about it?
2.      What do they serve?

2. Places to eat in Saint Petersburg
Now I’d like to tell you about my favourite places to eat out in my home city, Saint Petersburg.

План рассказа о каждом кафе:
1.      What kind of café is it? What is special about it?
2.      What do they serve?
3.      Why do you like it?
4.      Tell some words about your personal experience.  [Например,  how often you go there; when was the last (the most memorable) time you were there; what the occasion was (it was somebody’s birthday, you were meeting your friends there, you celebrated something, …) ]

3. How to order meals at a cafe
If you are at café in a foreign country, it is very important to know how to order.
You can talk to a waiter like this…[составить диалог p.31 ex.5 (по модели ex.2), можно использовать свое меню]

4. Conclusion