My name is … . I would like to tell you how Great Britain is ruled, about its Queen and Parliament.
1. The Queen and the royal family. (показать на картинке. + Информация про наследников престола: принц Чарльз, его дети и внуки)
2. The British Empire and the Commonwealth. (показать на карте мира)
3. The British parliament:
The House of Lords and the House of Commons
What they do.
Are the members of Parliament elected or selected? Which way?
4. What do you know about the Russan Federation?
Do we have a queen in our country? Do we have President? What is his name?
Does the President have real power in our country?
Do we have Parliament?
Where is the seat of the Parliament of the Russian Federation?
Where is the seat of the Parliament of Saint Petersburg?
Did you learn any new things while working on this project?
Посмотреть видео "Королева на церемонии открытия парламента". Интересно посмотреть, как входит королева, как членов палаты общин приглашают пройти в зал.